class K8S::Api::Core::V1::ServiceSpec


ServiceSpec describes the attributes that a user creates on a service.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def*, allocate_load_balancer_node_ports : Bool? = nil, cluster_ip : String? = nil, cluster_ips : Array(String)? = nil, external_ips : Array(String)? = nil, external_name : String? = nil, external_traffic_policy : String? = nil, health_check_node_port : Int32? = nil, internal_traffic_policy : String? = nil, ip_families : Array(String)? = nil, ip_family_policy : String? = nil, load_balancer_class : String? = nil, load_balancer_ip : String? = nil, load_balancer_source_ranges : Array(String)? = nil, ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ServicePort)? = nil, publish_not_ready_addresses : Bool? = nil, selector : Hash(String, String)? = nil, session_affinity : String? = nil, session_affinity_config : Api::Core::V1::SessionAffinityConfig? = nil, type : String? = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def allocate_load_balancer_node_ports : Bool? #

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def allocate_load_balancer_node_ports=(allocate_load_balancer_node_ports : Bool?) #

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def cluster_ip : String? #

[View source]
def cluster_ip=(cluster_ip : String?) #

[View source]
def cluster_ips : Array(String)? #

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def cluster_ips=(cluster_ips : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def external_ips : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def external_ips=(external_ips : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def external_name : String? #

[View source]
def external_name=(external_name : String?) #

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def external_traffic_policy : String? #

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def external_traffic_policy=(external_traffic_policy : String?) #

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def health_check_node_port : Int32? #

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def health_check_node_port=(health_check_node_port : Int32?) #

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def internal_traffic_policy : String? #

[View source]
def internal_traffic_policy=(internal_traffic_policy : String?) #

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def ip_families : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def ip_families=(ip_families : Array(String)?) #

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def ip_family_policy : String? #

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def ip_family_policy=(ip_family_policy : String?) #

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def load_balancer_class : String? #

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def load_balancer_class=(load_balancer_class : String?) #

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def load_balancer_ip : String? #

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def load_balancer_ip=(load_balancer_ip : String?) #

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def load_balancer_source_ranges : Array(String)? #

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def load_balancer_source_ranges=(load_balancer_source_ranges : Array(String)?) #

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def ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ServicePort)? #

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def ports=(ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ServicePort)?) #

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def publish_not_ready_addresses : Bool? #

[View source]
def publish_not_ready_addresses=(publish_not_ready_addresses : Bool?) #

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def selector : Hash(String, String)? #

[View source]
def selector=(selector : Hash(String, String)?) #

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def session_affinity : String? #

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def session_affinity=(session_affinity : String?) #

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def session_affinity_config : Api::Core::V1::SessionAffinityConfig? #

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def session_affinity_config=(session_affinity_config : Api::Core::V1::SessionAffinityConfig?) #

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def type : String? #

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def type=(type : String?) #

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