class K8S::Api::Core::V1::EphemeralContainer


An EphemeralContainer is a container that may be added temporarily to an existing pod for user-initiated activities such as debugging. Ephemeral containers have no resource or scheduling guarantees, and they will not be restarted when they exit or when a pod is removed or restarted. If an ephemeral container causes a pod to exceed its resource allocation, the pod may be evicted. Ephemeral containers may not be added by directly updating the pod spec. They must be added via the pod's ephemeralcontainers subresource, and they will appear in the pod spec once added. This is an alpha feature enabled by the EphemeralContainers feature flag.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

[View source]
def*, name : String, args : Array(String)? = nil, command : Array(String)? = nil, env : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvVar)? = nil, env_from : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvFromSource)? = nil, image : String? = nil, image_pull_policy : String? = nil, lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle? = nil, liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ContainerPort)? = nil, readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, resources : Api::Core::V1::ResourceRequirements? = nil, security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext? = nil, startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, stdin : Bool? = nil, stdin_once : Bool? = nil, target_container_name : String? = nil, termination_message_path : String? = nil, termination_message_policy : String? = nil, tty : Bool? = nil, volume_devices : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeDevice)? = nil, volume_mounts : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeMount)? = nil, working_dir : String? = nil) #

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def args : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def args=(args : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def command : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def command=(command : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def env : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvVar)? #

[View source]
def env=(env : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvVar)?) #

[View source]
def env_from : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvFromSource)? #

[View source]
def env_from=(env_from : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvFromSource)?) #

[View source]
def image : String? #

[View source]
def image=(image : String?) #

[View source]
def image_pull_policy : String? #

[View source]
def image_pull_policy=(image_pull_policy : String?) #

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def lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle? #

[View source]
def lifecycle=(lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle?) #

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def liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def liveness_probe=(liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]
def name : String #

[View source]
def name=(name : String) #

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def ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ContainerPort)? #

[View source]
def ports=(ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ContainerPort)?) #

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def readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def readiness_probe=(readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]

[View source]
def resources=(resources : Api::Core::V1::ResourceRequirements?) #

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def security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext? #

[View source]
def security_context=(security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext?) #

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def startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def startup_probe=(startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]
def stdin : Bool? #

[View source]
def stdin=(stdin : Bool?) #

[View source]
def stdin_once : Bool? #

[View source]
def stdin_once=(stdin_once : Bool?) #

[View source]
def target_container_name : String? #

[View source]
def target_container_name=(target_container_name : String?) #

[View source]
def termination_message_path : String? #

[View source]
def termination_message_path=(termination_message_path : String?) #

[View source]
def termination_message_policy : String? #

[View source]
def termination_message_policy=(termination_message_policy : String?) #

[View source]
def tty : Bool? #

[View source]
def tty=(tty : Bool?) #

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def volume_devices : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeDevice)? #

[View source]
def volume_devices=(volume_devices : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeDevice)?) #

[View source]
def volume_mounts : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeMount)? #

[View source]
def volume_mounts=(volume_mounts : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeMount)?) #

[View source]
def working_dir : String? #

[View source]
def working_dir=(working_dir : String?) #

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