class Kube::Client


Top-level client wrapper. Uses a Transport instance to talk to the kube API. Offers access to Kube::ApiClient and ResourceClient instances.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

VERSION = {{ (`shards version \"/home/runner/work/\"`).chomp.stringify }}


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Kube::Transport, namespace : String | Nil = nil) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.autoconfig(namespace : String | Nil = nil, **options) : Kube::Client #

Attempts to create a K8s::Client instance automatically using environment variables, existing configuration files or in cluster configuration.

Look-up order:

  • KUBE_TOKEN, KUBE_CA, KUBE_SERVER environment variables
  • KUBECONFIG environment variable
  • $HOME/.kube/config file
  • In cluster configuration

Will raise when no means of configuration is available

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def self.config(config : Kube::Config, namespace : String | Nil = nil, **options) : Kube::Client #

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def self.in_cluster_config(namespace : String | Nil = nil, **options) : Kube::Client #

An Kube::Client instance from in-cluster config within a kube pod, using the kubernetes service envs and serviceaccount secrets

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def self.logger #

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Instance Method Detail

def api(api_version : String = "v1") : Kube::ApiClient #

api_version [String] "group/version" or "version" (core)

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def api_groups : Array(String) #

Cached /apis preferred group apiVersions

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def api_groups! : Array(String) #

Force-update /apis cache. Required if creating new CRDs/apiservices.

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def apis(api_versions = nil, prefetch_resources = false, skip_missing = false) #

api_versions [Array(String)] defaults to all APIs prefetch_resources [Bool] prefetch any missing api_resources for each api_version skip_missing [Bool] return Kube::ApiClient without api_resources? if 404

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def client_for_resource(resource : T.class | T, namespace : String | Nil = nil) forall T #

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def create_resource(resource : T) forall T #

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def delete_resource(resource : T, **options) forall T #

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def get_resource(resource : T) forall T #

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def get_resources(resources : Enumerable(T)) forall T #

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def list_resources(resource_list : Array(Kube::ResourceClient) | Nil = nil, **options) #

Pipeline list requests for multiple resource types.

Returns flattened array with mixed resource kinds.

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def logger #

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def patch_resource(resource, attrs) #

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def resources(namespace : String | Nil = nil) #

namespace [String, nil]

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def update_resource(resource : T) forall T #

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def version : K8S::Apimachinery::Version::Info #

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