module Kube::Transport::ClassMethods

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def config(conf : Kube::Config, server : String | Nil = nil, **overrides) : Kube::Transport #

ameba:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity

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def in_cluster_config(**options) : Kube::Transport #

In-cluster config within a kube pod, using the kubernetes service envs and serviceaccount secrets raises [Kube::Error::MissingEnv] if the required env vars are not set

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def token_from_auth_provider(auth_provider : Kube::Config::UserDef::AuthProvider) : String #

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def token_from_exec(conf : Kube::Config::UserDef::Exec) : String #

raises [Kube::Error::ExecutionError] if the request fails

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