class K8S::Api::Autoscaling::V2beta1::PodsMetricSource
- K8S::Api::Autoscaling::V2beta1::PodsMetricSource
- Reference
- Object
PodsMetricSource indicates how to scale on a metric describing each pod in the current scale target (for example, transactions-processed-per-second). The values will be averaged together before being compared to the target value.
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
- JSON::Serializable::Unmapped
- YAML::Serializable
- YAML::Serializable::Unmapped
Defined in:
- .new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)
- .new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
- .new(*, metric_name : String, target_average_value : Int32 | String)
Instance Method Summary
- #metric_name : String
- #metric_name=(metric_name : String)
- #target_average_value : Int32 | String
- #target_average_value=(target_average_value : Int32 | String)