class K8S::Api::Core::V1::Container


A single application container that you want to run within a pod.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

[View source]
def : JSON::PullParser) #

[View source]
def*, name : String, args : Array? = nil, command : Array? = nil, env : Array? = nil, env_from : Array? = nil, image : String? = nil, image_pull_policy : String? = nil, lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle? = nil, liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, ports : Array? = nil, readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, resources : Api::Core::V1::ResourceRequirements? = nil, security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext? = nil, startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? = nil, stdin : Bool? = nil, stdin_once : Bool? = nil, termination_message_path : String? = nil, termination_message_policy : String? = nil, tty : Bool? = nil, volume_devices : Array? = nil, volume_mounts : Array? = nil, working_dir : String? = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def args : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def args=(args : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def command : Array(String)? #

[View source]
def command=(command : Array(String)?) #

[View source]
def env : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvVar)? #

[View source]
def env=(env : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvVar)?) #

[View source]
def env_from : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvFromSource)? #

[View source]
def env_from=(env_from : Array(Api::Core::V1::EnvFromSource)?) #

[View source]
def image : String? #

[View source]
def image=(image : String?) #

[View source]
def image_pull_policy : String? #

[View source]
def image_pull_policy=(image_pull_policy : String?) #

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def lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle? #

[View source]
def lifecycle=(lifecycle : Api::Core::V1::Lifecycle?) #

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def liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def liveness_probe=(liveness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]
def name : String #

[View source]
def name=(name : String) #

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def ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ContainerPort)? #

[View source]
def ports=(ports : Array(Api::Core::V1::ContainerPort)?) #

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def readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def readiness_probe=(readiness_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]

[View source]
def resources=(resources : Api::Core::V1::ResourceRequirements?) #

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def security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext? #

[View source]
def security_context=(security_context : Api::Core::V1::SecurityContext?) #

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def startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe? #

[View source]
def startup_probe=(startup_probe : Api::Core::V1::Probe?) #

[View source]
def stdin : Bool? #

[View source]
def stdin=(stdin : Bool?) #

[View source]
def stdin_once : Bool? #

[View source]
def stdin_once=(stdin_once : Bool?) #

[View source]
def termination_message_path : String? #

[View source]
def termination_message_path=(termination_message_path : String?) #

[View source]
def termination_message_policy : String? #

[View source]
def termination_message_policy=(termination_message_policy : String?) #

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def tty : Bool? #

[View source]
def tty=(tty : Bool?) #

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def volume_devices : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeDevice)? #

[View source]
def volume_devices=(volume_devices : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeDevice)?) #

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def volume_mounts : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeMount)? #

[View source]
def volume_mounts=(volume_mounts : Array(Api::Core::V1::VolumeMount)?) #

[View source]
def working_dir : String? #

[View source]
def working_dir=(working_dir : String?) #

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