class K8S::Api::Core::V1::Probe


Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def*, exec : Api::Core::V1::ExecAction? = nil, failure_threshold : Int32? = nil, http_get : Api::Core::V1::HTTPGetAction? = nil, initial_delay_seconds : Int32? = nil, period_seconds : Int32? = nil, success_threshold : Int32? = nil, tcp_socket : Api::Core::V1::TCPSocketAction? = nil, termination_grace_period_seconds : Int32? = nil, timeout_seconds : Int32? = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

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def exec=(exec : Api::Core::V1::ExecAction?) #

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def failure_threshold : Int32? #

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def failure_threshold=(failure_threshold : Int32?) #

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def http_get=(http_get : Api::Core::V1::HTTPGetAction?) #

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def initial_delay_seconds : Int32? #

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def initial_delay_seconds=(initial_delay_seconds : Int32?) #

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def period_seconds : Int32? #

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def period_seconds=(period_seconds : Int32?) #

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def success_threshold : Int32? #

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def success_threshold=(success_threshold : Int32?) #

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def tcp_socket : Api::Core::V1::TCPSocketAction? #

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def tcp_socket=(tcp_socket : Api::Core::V1::TCPSocketAction?) #

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def termination_grace_period_seconds : Int32? #

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def termination_grace_period_seconds=(termination_grace_period_seconds : Int32?) #

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def timeout_seconds : Int32? #

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def timeout_seconds=(timeout_seconds : Int32?) #

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